A little over three years ago, I received a voicemail igniting an unexpected life change that I/we were ill prepared for.  Before that phone call, life felt as chaotically normal as one would with two busy teenage boys still at home, a newly retired husband, and a recently widowed mother whose health was slowly declining.  I remember the feeling that came over me; a combination of emotions; disbelief-anger-fear whirled around and through me as I tried to digest the moment.  I knew – before the message concluded – I knew –  a storm was well on its way – our way.  Our sunny/partly cloudy sky had just boiled up and darkened.  Though the storm had not yet fully hit, the evidence of its potential strength was notable – and I might add, underestimated.

My name is Cindy Hughes.  I am a wife; a mother; a grandmother; a daughter; a sister; an aunt and cousin.  I enjoy crafting, cooking, watching British Mysteries, reading British Mystery Cozies and most of all, spending time with my family. Actually – I don’t enjoy cooking as much as I use to but I do enjoy bringing pleasure to the hungry appetites around here.  And – I haven’t read a good cozy in a few years.  If time permits a read(other than daily devo), I have a collection of non-fiction informative type books about the bible and theology that have been passed on to me by a friend/brother(spiritually speaking) who is somewhat of a self-taught bible scholar.  They are not quick and easy reads; my spare time is VERY limited so it takes a while to get through them.  I’ve never blogged before.  Until recently, I’ve really never even read or subscribed to many blogs.  Actually – not exactly true – I am a subscriber to a few machine embroidery blogs but I never comment.  I usually just read them for tutorials.  I have learned one thing already about blogging.  It takes time as well.  Finding time to be a blogger has already begun to be a challenge but I am determined to give it my best shot! I confess, I’ve little experience writing (actually none – letters and school notes) which could be part of why writing to an unknown invisible recipient is stirring up a little anxiety in me.  However, I’m hopeful the more I write and gain experience, the less anxious I will feel.  I am very grateful that you’ve decided to stop by for a quick read. Thank you!  I hope you will consider becoming a subscriber!