Hello friends!  Welcome to Partly Cloudy With a Chance of Storms!  I am hoping this blog can be an emotionally safe place to connect with others who are weathering storms; a place to share survival stories; a place to be real;  a source of encouragement; a source of advise(friendly I hope); a source of ideas …  I’m talking about the storms of life; the kind that blow a sailing ship off course.  Life is full of such storms.  Navigation skills are helpful but not always necessary for survival.  Sometimes a vessel is just tossed about and blown around not knowing which way is up or down until suddenly – in an instant – the wind stops; the waves subside; and the blue sky is smiling with warm rays of sunny days – until the next storm.  Then there are times when a season of storms come and go in waves of uncertainty, in which case navigation skills are acquired and sharpened with each swell and gust of wind.  It’s been my experience to feel isolated when such a storm or season hits our family.  I know in my mind we’re not alone but my perception is blurred with the chaos of the immediate goings on, causing me to be less aware of what others are dealing with; to be hyper focused on our own circumstances, creating a feeling of isolation.

Hence— The idea to start a blog!  One thing I’ve learned to be true; if I’m thinking it or feeling it, others are too.  I’m hoping this blog will help myself and others to feel less isolated as we connect with each other; as we share our stories-successes-failures-and exchange advise and encouragement.  Thank you for stopping by! Please join me and share your thoughts!